Sometimes it rains in paradise.

Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature and you will find joy in the rain.

Our collective journey includes both life and death. Simply stating the obvious, they call this the circle of life. Each individual journey is touched by the infinite journeys of others. Sometimes our unique paths, connect and become deeply intertwined, sometimes they intersect briefly and sometimes they diverge completely. This can be found, with much introspection, to be a natural, beautiful, personal and collective evolutionary process.

A mother losing her youngest daughter is part of this process for some of us. The child is never truly lost of course, because she will forever remain perched atop a jewel encrusted throne in the gilded chambers of her mother’s heart. She will be everywhere, all at once. She becomes the light in the day and the dark of the night, the wind in the trees and the rain in the clouds, the warmth of the sun and the salt in the sea.

There is tragedy and despair in the death of a child, but there is also beauty and growth if you take the time to find it. Life is eternal, it did not start with one child and it will not end with one child. It is a journey on a long continuum collectively traveled by many creatures both great and some not so great, but each one depends the existence of another to sustain itself.

The rain has nourished the earth for millenniums.

About McKenzie Writes

Mother of three, still grieving for the loss of my youngest daughter, the internet-famous; Emma Greer DiBiase. Human rights advocate for the voiceless, industrial designer, writer, yogini and social pundit.
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